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  Sefydlwyd 1976 Established

Canlyniadau Cystadleuaeth y Plāt Natur Mawrth 2023 - Results of the Nature Plate Competition March 2023
(HC = Highly Commended C = Commended)

PDI’s - Awarded Images:
1 Dotterel - Andy Teasdale   2 House Sparrow Fledgling - Andy Teasdale  3  Snarling Fox - Gwynant Pierce
HC Beak Quiet - Gwynant Pierce   HC Black Grouse Lekking - Gwynant Pierce   C Large White - Gwynant Pierce
C Long Eared Owl - David Evans   C
Osprey  -  Andy Teasdale 

PRINTS - Awrded Prints:
C Golden Ringed Dragonfly -  Brian Williams  C  Red Squirrel - Brian Williams

1 Dotterel - Andy Teasdale
3 Snarling Fox -  Gwynant Pierce
2 House Sparrow Fledgling - Andy Teasdale
HC Beak Quiet - Gwynant Pierce HC Black Grouse Lekking - Gwynant Pierce
C Large White - Gwynant Pierce C LONG EARED OWL - David Evans
C Osprey - Andy Teasdale

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